Friday, December 11, 2009

Good Read

From Drop Box

Sometimes I have trouble slowing down and being still long enough
to really hear what God is saying to me. I also have also had times I 
thought I was hearing from God, but after the situation played out it 
was obvious it wasn't God. Well I read a book recently that speaks 
to just these type of issues. It is Joyce Meyer's How To Hear From God.I love Joyce. She is an amazing woman of God. She is also a 
great author. The book really gives guidance on how God talks to us and ways to make sure we are listening. I highly recommend this

What are reading?

Do you have a special thing that you do to hear from God?

~Until the WHOLE world hears.....
transparent signiture


Anonymous said...

Oh I love Joyce Meyer! I just read her book called "Conflict FREE Living". For me to hear from God I just pray, be patient and still and wait for His answer. Again, patience is the key. Some of the times He is going to answer right away, but other times He wants us to wait on Him and He will give the answer at the correct time.

Sierra said...

I will have to check this book out, currently and ironically I am reading Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Myers, she is such a wonderful author!