Now for the purpose of this post. I attend a life group (bible study) on Sunday nights with 4 other wonderful women around my age. We are doing One Month to Live as a study this time. It is amazing. One of the girls was out of town this weekend, and she asked for us to wait on her to continue with our next lesson in 1 month. The other ladies asked me if I would mind coming up with something to talk about. I was so excited. So I have prepared a little something and I want to share it with you guys. So here goes.
The song talks about the power of God's love and surrendering to Him and what a beautiful act that surrender can be. I know for me surrender has not always been a beautiful thing, and in our society it is scene as a weakness. The fact is that we are all surrendered to something weather it be work, sex, drugs, alcohol, money, people, or God. Romans 6:16 says, "Don't you realize that you become a slave to whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God which leads to righteous living."
I know for me surrender was a scary concept. I have been surrendered to a life of sin before (although that is not how I viewed it at the time), and my life was destroyed. So surrendering to God was hard for me. I struggled big time for a while, and when I finally handed it over my life was changed. Surrendering to God comes with a lot of perks: peace, happiness, love, eternal life, & contentment just to name a few. I still struggle with surrendering to Him daily. I am human and for some reason I feel like I should be in control. When I do take over is when I end up messing up. I heard someone say tonight (at another life group) that, "God is always in control no matter what. At times we think we are in control and that is when trouble arrives in our life, because we are fighting against the will of God." That held a lot of merit with me.
Is there something in your life that you need to surrender? What are you a slave to?
I would love to pray for you. Leave your request in a comment or email me if it is private.
**Side note: This is the condensed version, but I am almost 100% positive that God has not called me to teach.
Love that song! Your new design looks great so far! Can't wait to see the finished product! Hope you have a great Tuesday!
I too struggle with surrendering to God but you are right once we do this peace and contenting completely take over. I am so thankful when I start fighting and let God take care of me! I am proud of you too girl!
Love reading your posts! They are an inspiration!
Wow Cary, great post! You are so right, when we surrender to God we have peace, joy, love, contentment and most important: eternal life! Have a Blessed Day!
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