Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2 numbers and a Dash

Day 3 of 30 days to live               

I know the picture is probably not one that makes you all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I hope it doesn't turn you off of what I want to talk about today. I am telling you this journey is awesome. On every tombstone there is always 2 numbers and a dash. IE 1950 - 1980. The authors suggest that your life on your tombstone is summed up by a dash. - is everything that you ever did. - is what your life was all about. I think it is an interesting concept. I don't know about you but I want my - to say a lot. 
One of the assignments in the challenge is to write the saying that you want on your tombstone. For example my best friend died when she was 22. On her tombstone it says, "Our Guardian Angel." 

I want mine to say, "A Woman After God's Heart"

What would yours say?


Sam said...

Hmmm... I'd probably want it to say "Daughter, Wife, Mother.." something along the lines of that.. At least I *hope* my life progresses in that way, haha.

Amy Prikazsky said...

What a great post! Really makes you think.....


Jocelyn said...

Wow! Very thought provoking...I would want to be the Prov. 31 woman, but I know that I fall WAY short of that.

Sonya said...

Ok, I really have to get this book now! Keep posting about it!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

A Woman After God's heart is perfect for me too!