Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Volunteering

Last night I volunteered at a Christmas musical for local children’s shelter put on by my church. When I first heard of the event I was confused….I said to my self, “Children’s shelter? They have children’s shelter in Lafayette?” Well they do. It is for children with no parents or children that cannot be with their parents for one reason or another.

The theme of the event was searching for the greatest treasure on Earth. The children got to sample foods from different countries and watch a musical. The whole event was great. I met people, made a friend, got to serve God, eat good food, and be entertained. My heart was tickled getting to see the children of the church share treasure of Jesus and presents with the children of the shelter. I was humbled when a girl around 13 years old stood up and said, “I want to thank you for all the presents, the food, and for helping me. I want you to know that I will work really hard to get my life straightened out.” I am tearing up just typing the words. All those kids have been let down and maybe even emotionally scared at such a young age. It is so sad, but it makes me grateful. I know Jesus and have relationship with him. I trust that he is going to take care of me. Even the most honorable person will let you down but in Hebrews 13:5 God said, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.”

So I am challenging my self this Christmas season to be grateful for what I have, give to someone that has less, and spend time with my Heavenly Father. I challenge you too, and please keep the children of the shelter in your prayers.

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