I know that I have been out of the loop lately.
It seems that once again life has gotten in the way.
I am busy with my job and loving every minute of it,
but it is a very emotionally draining job.
I find myself at the end of the day having very little else to give.
I still make time for friends,
but if I honestly look evaluate the time it is very superficial.
I am not unhappy...
that I am aware of;
just drained-emotionally.
I want to find my passion for life again.
I want to enjoy the things that I love.
I am tired of going through the motions.
I heard someone on the radio say that instead of making
a New Years resolution
you should pick one word that you want to describe you for the year.
I think that my word that I want to strive for is BALANCE.
I am not very good at it.
It feels good getting it out.
So here's to finding balance in 2011!!!!
*photo found on www.weheartit.com