Thursday, August 21, 2014


Today, my morning commute to work turned into a worship jam session. I turned on the worship playlist I listen to the most hit shuffle and turned up the volume. One of the songs that gets played a lot came on at the very beginning of my journey. The song is “While I’m Waiting” by John Waller. One of the lines in the song is “I will worship while I’m waiting. I will serve you while I’m waiting.” As I sang along with John I realized that I seem to be in the waiting stage a lot. I basically live in the waiting stage. I am always waiting for the next goal, the next season, the next chapter….. the next big thing. I spend so much time waiting that I forget to live in the moment that is happening now. I miss out of the blessings and gifts of this chapter because I am so ready to turn the page to the next chapter. When I get to the end of my life I don’t want to look back and see that I spent all my time waiting. Don’t get me wrong; waiting is good, but we can’t forget to enjoy the now. Life is happening now!!! Have you struggled with this? What helps you to live in the here and now? 

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