Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why I Blog

Ten Days of CARY: Day 1

Today is 10 days till my birthday. 
30th birthday at that. 
So I thought that what better way to spend the days leading up to my birthday 
then letting you get to know me. 

Today I decided to tell you why I blog. 
I know that I have not been consistent with my blog in a while. 
But you have to understand that my post are not just post they are a part of me. 
With my job, somedays I just don't have anymore to give. 
I promise that I am working on learning how to balance because I do what to blog more. 
I love it. 

When I started blogging in 2008 the blog was anonymous.  
I was still using and really depressed. 
There were many days that I had no hope and wanted it all to end. 
I was afraid to open up and tell someone how hopeless I was. 
So I started a blog and shared my feelings through pomes and writing. 
Some of my first writings were the some of the darkest days in my life. 

Then after I got sober I wanted to continue to share my journey. 
I wanted to talk about the good things that were happening. 
I wanted to share with the world how amazing God had been in my life, 
and share of hope that He can offer. 
I know my blog is not the best. 
Like I said before I am not the most committed person. 
I enjoy this community. 
I enjoy sharing my story and my journey. 

So the bottom line is I blog because it is an outlet for me. 
I like to blog. 
I like to share. 
I love meeting new people and getting to know them. 
I love that blogging is a way to meet people that I may have never known before. 


Sammielee615 said...

I'm glad you blog :) I like getting to know you better

Anonymous said...

I think in a way we all blog as an outlet, whether a personal or a creative one. And it's good that we do because we all have our own story to tell, and we can learn from eachother and grow through eachother. I also think the blogging community is very nice, lots of positivity to go around. It's a nice to be a part of that.

Keep blogging!