Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolution

For I resolved to know nothing ......
 except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 
1 Corinthians 2:2 (NIV)

I haven't subscribed to New Year's Resolutions in a long time. Mainly because I know I will not keep them, and I refuse to purposely set myself for failure. I am usually the type of person that usually resist self change until it is too painful or inconvenient to stay the same. (That would be something to work on for a resolution.) I do take time on my birthday to reflect over the past year and make goals for my next year. I guess my New Year resolution comes on May 10th. I admire people that can make a resolution and keep it. I pray for self disciple all the time. This year I will make a daily resolution to build a stronger relationship with my Savior Jesus and know nothing outside of Him. 

I hope 2010 brings you health, happiness, and shows birth to your biggest dreams. 

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1 comment:

Sierra said...

I totally understand, which I set goals instead of resolutions, lol. I love that verse - so inspiring. Thanks girl!